Digital Silage
AI-based intelligent silage management for early detection of bottlenecks due to weather extremes and increase of resource efficiency in ensiling and utilization of whole plants
Project description
The aim of this project is to introduce automated and AI-based controlling for basic fodder production. In addition to the losses of the basic feed production, the daily updated forage ranges and quality parameters such as silage density and feed rate will be recorded and processed in a completely automated way for the first time. Together with forage analysis and ration calculation, all data on basic forage production is collected digitally.
In this way, the relevant key figures and balances for farms are collected and the parameters are made intuitively usable on farmers' end devices via an interactive front end. The collection of the data is carried out by Silolytics GmbH, which develops intelligent sensor technology for this purpose. In the second step, the collected data will be evaluated for the farms and points for improving efficiency will be developed. In the following year, these points will be implemented in the farms in a targeted manner and adapted to the usage requirements. Together with the farms, an automated controlling of the basic fodder production is introduced, which makes it possible to react to undesirable developments in real time.
The aim is to increase the efficiency of silage management by 5 % and to eliminate avoidable losses. An increase in resource efficiency of 5% in relation to the total cultivated area for Schleswig-Holstein would mean that 8150 hectares of corn cultivation area and 16,950 hectares of grassland would be freed up for alternative uses by avoiding losses, while production levels would remain the same. Farm inputs, such as diesel, fertilizer and pesticides, would also be saved to a considerable extent. These measures actively contribute to achieving climate neutrality in agriculture by 2045.