Project description
Green Care/ Social Agriculture is the combination of agricultural production with social and educational work. It combines multifunctional agriculture and health services on a local level.
Social offers on farms mean an additional income for the farms and additional employees, but also a contribution to the provision of services of general interest for people with disabilities in rural areas. The aim of the project is to show by means of best-practice examples how offers of this kind can function and establish themselves as a business branch. In the course of the project, these findings will optimize the content of an existing course and contribute to the development of quality criteria for a later certification of Green Care farms.
The Operational Group is supported by the Chamber of Agriculture in Schleswig-Holstein as lead, Maschinenring Mittelholstein as service provider and twelve farms. The farms represent a variety of different farm types ranging from dairy farms and arable farms to pig and cattle fattening farms. They are willing to contribute their experience, expertise and willingness to try out new processes in practice and to present them transparently so that there will be imitators.