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Project description

Agriculture is facing major challenges and will have to adapt and change operating methods. An innovation academy called FitFarmers is designed to help farmers do just that. FitFarmers aims to show farms how they can make agriculture more sustainable by adding innovative business models. The focus is on climate-friendly or climate-protecting methods.
A variety of continuing education programs are designed to help farmers implement new business practices. Short videos for getting started and detailed video units are planned. FitFarmers is to include checklists, calculation templates and assessment tools, for example for sustainability accounting. The information will focus on real-world examples, such as an agroforestry system.



  • Research and Development Center
    Kiel University of Applied Sciences GmbH
    Schwentinestr. 24
    24149 Kiel
    Björn Lehmann-Matthaei
    +49 431 2184-444

  • Rieckens Landmilch GmbH, Felix Riecken

  • Marco Rostermund, 24161 Altenholz

  • Biohof Ellerneff, Björn Ortmanns, 24363 Holtsee

  • De Öko Melkburen GmbH, Hans Möller

  • Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics, Prof. Dr. Holger Thiele and Jan Henrik Ferdinand

  • Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Department of Media, represented by Prof. Dr. Ann-Kathrin Wenke

  • Ingenieur- und Sachverständigenbüro Malte Bombien represented by Malte Bombien
  • Q2 IT-Solutions UG represented by Niklas Petersen
  • Vierecken Filmproduktion represented by Tom Köhn
  • Center for Learning and Teaching Development at Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Dr. Christiane Metzger

  • Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics, Dean Prof. Dr. Martin Braatz