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Project description

The aim of this innovation project is to identify and to demonstrate measures that contribute to the reduction of nutrient losses from arable crops. The focus of the project is on the influence of crop rotation on the N transfer between cultures as well as the adapted N fertilization.

The project idea came from the specific needs of agricultural practice, to redesign and develop innovative crop rotation and fertilization concepts for conventional agriculture under changing conditions. An important contribution to a more sustainable and resource-efficient agriculture can be expected from this. Specifically, regional recommendations for action will be developed for Schleswig-Holstein agriculture which show how grain legumes can be integrated into the crop rotation, N losses reduced, and fertilization recommendations optimized.

From the combination of crop rotation system comparisons, as well as the adaptation and practical testing of model-based fertilizer recommendations on Schleswig-Holstein's arable farms, knowledge and application experience can be expected that result in the production of advisory measures for N efficient agriculture.

Homepage Teilprojekt "modellgestütze N-Düngung von Winterweizen"


  • Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig- Holstein
    Grüner Kamp 15-17
    24768 Rendsburg
    Abt. 3 Pflanzenbau, Pflanzenschutz, Umwelt
    +49 4331 9453-300

  • Sönke Huesmann (Landwirt)
  • Ralf Hartmann Paulsen (Landwirt)
  • Karl-Volkert Meyer (Landwirt)
  • Christoph Möller (Landwirt)
  • Herr Preuß-Driessen (HGV Grünholz)
  • Herr Kühlmann (GV Löhndorf)
  • Herr Brockmann
  • CAU Kiel
    Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung
    Prof. Dr. Henning Kage
  • Joachim Hülsen
  • Ulrich Henne
  • Matthias Mahrenholtz
  • Hanse Agro Beratung und Entwicklung GmbH, Dr. Dominik Gerwers