DigiPig ✔
App-aided animal welfare management on the basis of daily animal control and internal self-control of pig rearing businesses
Project description
The aim of the project is the development of an app-based management tool, both for internal company self-inspection under animal welfare law and for daily animal inspection under the Tierschutz-Nutztierhaltungsverordnung (German Animal Welfare Keeping of Production Regulation) for pig husbandry operations. Both processes should be combined and interlinked in order to provide businesses with a management tool for animal welfare and, at the same time, an early warning system for changes in animal welfare (‘‘Tierwohl-Check’’ – animal welfare check). The practical animal welfare management tool is planned with daily and quarterly survey grids and indicators, and it is developed and tested within the project together with farmers. The tool meets the intended claim of the business to use the required documentation not only for safe-guarding, but also as the basis of effective monitoring. Recurring and current critical phases, especially in pig fattening, will be identified and remedied. Early detection of abuse and animal diseases in pig farming promotes animal welfare and supports the economic sustainability of agriculture. At the same time, the tool helps to assess animal welfare in the buildings on a factual basis and to pass on the results to consumers.