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Project description

Udder diseases, which are very common in dairy herds, impair animal welfare, are costly, and are the main reason for antibiotic use in the cowshed. The basis for improving and maintaining good herd udder health is a strategic and systematic approach. Prevention plays a crucial role, especially in organic dairy farms. All decisions regarding preventive measures in management, husbandry, and feeding, as well as for the treatment of the individual animals, should be as efficient as possible and adapted to the respective situation.

In the udder health Operational Group, eight organic farmers are working with experts from science and practice to develop a decision-making aid in the form of a workable digital tool that supports farmers, as well as their vets and consultants, in business-specific, systematic udder health management. With this practical tool, existing knowledge should be pooled and brought into implementation on the farms. It will facilitate recording and analysis of relevant data, identification of risk factors, and step-by-step derivation of recommendations for specific, effective measures for udder health. The use of pharmaceuticals can be optimized for individual operations, and the long-term monitoring of the udder health situation can be supported.

Projekt Eutergesundheit 



  • ÖKORING Versuchs- und Beratungsring Ökologischer Landbau im Norden e.V.
    Grüner Kamp 15-17
    24768 Rendsburg
    Götz Daniel
    +49 4331 333460

  • Wilfried Laser, Lürschau
  • Biohof Rzehak, Tüttendorf
  • Hof Berg GbR, Dannau, Falk Teschemacher
  • Hofgemeinschaft Gut Rothenhausen, Groß Schenkenberg, Anna Jahn
  • Waldhof, Hüsby, Nils Zydeck
  • Wohldorfer Hof, Hamburg, Cordula Rebske
  • Hof Klostersee, Cismar, Knut Ellenberg
  • Steinbeis Forschungszentrum Milchwissenschaft, Kirchlengern ,Prof. Volker Krömker
  • Thünen-Institut für Ökologischen Landbau,Trenthorst, Westerau,Dr. Kerstin Barth
  • CAU Kiel, Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Kiel, Prof. Christina Hölzel
  • Tierarztpraxis am Sandkamp DVM Maik Neßmann & Thomas Ertl GbR,  Bad Oldesloe, Maik Neßmann
  • GbR,  Dörverden/Westen,Thomas Krug
  • Bioland e.V., Visselhövede ,Dr. Otto Volling
  • Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein, Rendsburg, Dr. Ole Lamp
  • Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen, Tiergesundheitsdienste, Oldenburg, Dr. Martin tho Seeth
  • BAT Beratung Artgerechte Tierhaltung e.V., Witzenhausen, Dr. Silvia Ivemeyer
  •  Landeskontrollverband Schleswig-Holstein e.V., Kiel, Dr. Monika Brandt
  • ÖKORING Versuchs- und Beratungsring Ökologischer Landbau im Norden e.V., Rendsburg, Mabelle Tacke, Ulrike Peschel