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Project description

On the part of practical agriculture, there is the question of how innovative seeding, tillage and fertilization methods may further contribute to optimize the nitrogen utilization by North German agricultural systems. 

In particular, for cash crop farms who want to take farm manure from surplus regions, innovations in tillage, seed and fertilizer technology are in demand.

There is already experience with individual procedures in other regions of Europe, but they have not been tested or verified in SH.

On a sample representative of SH arable land, the OG intends with the help of demonstration trials to examine new techniques in practical operation (normal drilling, precision drilling, strip tilling and fertilization, combination of strip tilling + precision drilling). The objectives are as follows:

Stabilization of crop yields, increased N-use- efficiency in arable farming systems, increased nutrient utilization rate for farmyard manure, protection of groundwater by reducing N leaching, protection against wind and water erosion, improved GHG balances in arable farming systems, improved efficiency in water and nutrient use and optimizing costs.


  • Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig- Holstein
    Grüner Kamp 15-17
    24768 Rendsburg
    Abt. 3 Pflanzenbau, Pflanzenschutz, Umwelt
    +49 4331 9453-300

  • Heinrich Kröger (Landwirt)
  • Amo Nehlsen (Landwirt)
  • Thies Burmeister (Landwirt)
  • Trutz Clausen ( Landwirt)
  • MGW Agrar Service Maschinengenossenschaft
    Albert Thorben
  • Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans Georg Lembke KG
    Silke Hadenfeldt
  • CAU Kiel
    Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung
    Prof. Dr. Henning Kage
  • Matthias Mahrenholtz
  • Hanse Agro Beratung & Entwicklung GmbH
    Dr. Dominik Gerwers
  • Joachim Hülsen
  • Ulrich Henne
